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Patent Pools for ARVs: Industry Perspectives from ASPEN

Stavros Nicolaou, * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open AIDS Journal 19 Jan 2010 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874613601004020060


Affordability through reduced pricing is only one part of enhancing access to treatment in Public Health emergencies: Supply Security and the guarantee of supply consistency is the other.

To the extent that Patent Pooling is able to create Regional African Manufacturing capability, Africans will support the concept. However, to the extent that if further decentralises manufacture away from the continent and increases Africa’s dependence on imports, Patent Pooling can potentially weaken supply security and will continue to relegate Africa a Continent of dependency, rather than one that invests in its own capability.

Patent Pooling, should be viewed guardedly on the African Continent and will only be embraced, provided it is consistent with the AU Heads of State call for an African Manufacturing Plan and Africa’s aspiration to more from “converting charity dollars into sustainable, long term investment dollars”.

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