HIV Prevention in Adolescents and Young People in the Eastern and Southern African Region: A Review of Key Challenges Impeding Actions for an Effective Response

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HIV Prevention in Adolescents and Young People in the Eastern and Southern African Region: A Review of Key Challenges Impeding Actions for an Effective Response

The Open AIDS Journal 29 Aug 2018 CORRIGENDUM DOI: 10.2174/1874613601812010068

HIV Prevention in Adolescents and Young People in the Eastern and Southern African Region: A Review of Key Challenges Impeding Actions for an Effective Response

The Open AIDS Journal, 2018, 12: 53-67


The corrections are provided and replaced online which is mentioned as under:


Current ethical and legal standards in most countries in the ESAR make it difficult to conduct health research with people under the age of 18 years [56] orphan 4. 4.


Current ethical and legal standards in most countries in the ESAR make it difficult to conduct health research with people under the age of 18 years [56] .


Some countries (e.g., South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia) largely fund their HIV treatment programmes [77, 83] orphan 5, and domestic financing for HIV responses tend to be more secure and sustainable.


Some countries (e.g., South Africa and Namibia) significantly fund their HIV treatment programmes. [77, 83].